
Mrs Treoung Ngea - Areythoar Khmer (Khmer Civilization)

Title: Areythoar Khmer (Khmer Civilization)
Author: Mrs. Troeung Ngea
Publishing date: 1974 (3rd Ed.)
Genre: Study, High School text book
Keywords: Khmer, Civilization, Culture, Custom
Format: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sou Chamroeun - Achar Sva

Title: Achar Sva
Author: Sou Chamroeun
Publishing date: 1968
Genre: History
Keywords: Khmer, History, Anti-monrachy, Rebellion, Monarchy
Format: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)

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Monday, June 09, 2008

Khing Hoc Dy - Bandam Ta Meas (Ta Meas' Recommendations)

Title: Bandam Ta Meas (Ta Meas' Recommendations)
Author: Khing Hoc Dy
Publishing date: 2007
Genre: History
Keywords: Khmer, History, Politics, Vietnam, Vietnamese occupation, Colonial France
Format: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)

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Bandam Ta Meas

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Nuon Khoeun - Damneur Chhpous Tov Toeus Khang Lech

Title: Damneur Chhpous Tov Toeus Khang Lech (Westward March)
Author: Nuon Khoeun
Publishing date: 1970
Genre: History, Politics
Keywords: Khmer, History, Politics, Vietnam, Vietnamese expansionism
Format: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)
New Typesetting by: Khun Pimoj (USA)

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Ith Sarin - Sranos Proleung Khmer

Title: Sranos Proleung Khmer (Khmer Spirit Nostalgia)
Author: Ith Sarin
Publishing date: 1973
Genre: History, Politics, Khmer Rouge
Keywords: Khmer, History, Politics, Khmer Rouge
Format: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)
New Typesetting by: Khun Pimoj (USA)

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Chan Dara, Ith Thong Nguon & Pen Nearovi - Kampuchea Neung Sahakpoan Induchin

Title: Kampuchea Neung Sahakpoan Induchin (Kampuchea and the Indochinese Federation)
Authors: Chan Dara, Ith Thong Nguon & Pen Nearovi
Publishing date: 1983
Genre: History, Politics
Keywords: Khmer, History, Politics, Vietnam, Vietnamese invasion
Format: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)
New Typesetting by: Khun Pimoj (USA)

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Bun Chanmol - Kuk Noyobay

Title: Kuk Noyobay (Political Jail)
Author: Bun Chanmol
Publishing date: 1971
Genre: Memory
Keywords: Khmer, Memory, History, French colonial regime, Bun Chanmol
Format: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)

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Bun Chanmol - Charet Khmer

Title: Charet Khmer (Khmer Behavior)
Author: Bun Chanmol
Publishing date: 1973
Genre: Memory
Keywords: Khmer, Memory, History, Khmer Issarak, Bun Chanmol
Format: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)
New Typesetting by: Khun Pimoj (USA)

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Teav Chhay Sok - Seksa Vob-thor Arey-thor Khmer-Indea

Title: Seksa Vob-thor Arey-thor Khmer-Indea (Khmer-Indian Culture-Civilization Studies)
Author: Teav Chhay Sok
Publishing date: 1971-1972
Genre: Khmer Culture and Civilization
Keywords: Khmer, Culture, Civilization, Short Study, India, Teav Chhay Sok
Format: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)
New Typesetting by: Koy Chandararith (Adelaid, Australia)

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Ly Theamteng - Seksa Sangkheb Ampi Aryak-thor Khmer

Title: Seksa Sangkheb Ampi Aryak-thor Khmer (A Short Study of Khmer Culture)
Author: Ly Theamteng
Publishing date: 1969
Genre: Khmer Culture
Keywords: Khmer, Culture, Short Study, Ly Theamteng
Format: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)
New Typesetting by: Koy Chandararith (Adelaid, Australia)

Please click on the following to read the book online. To download each file, right click on the link, and select "Save Target as":

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Pan Sothy - Kal Nous Pakdekvoat Muoy

Title: Kal Nous Pakdekvoat Muoy (Once upon a revolution - Animal Farm)
Author: Pan Sothy
Publishing date: 1972
Genre: Fiction Novel
Keywords: Khmer, Novel, Fiction, Pan Sothy, George Orwell, Animal Farm
Format: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)

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Sunday, July 24, 2005

Trinh Hoanh - Kh-nhom Mean Taus Pruos Avey?

Title: Kh-nhom Mean Taus Pruos Avey? (Why am I guilty?)
Author: Trinh Hoanh
Publishing date: 1963
Genre: Political Fiction Novel
Keywords: Khmer, Novel, Political Fiction, Trinh Hoan, Dap Chhuon
Format: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)

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